After all, it's one thing to have a solution to a problem, and it is quite
another to implement that solution only to find it leads to the law of unintended
consequences and creates yet another challenge which is worse than the prior.Not long ago, I
was discussing this with an acquaintance of mine who is interested in joining a think
tank, and he was very much into the dialogue of strategic thinking, and finding ways
and strategies to fix all the problems that ails mankind; everything from getting innovation to
market, to feeding the homeless, to saving the planet from human CO2 and global warming.However,
I mentioned that before you can start out being a strategic thinker, you need to
understand a little bit more about what strategy is, how it works, and how to
play it. In football tn requin you use various plays and strategies to move the ball down
the field to score, the same in soccer, and basketball. If someone is really interested
in studying strategy they need to discover and research all sorts of strategies in different
industries and areas of human endeavor. In hockey the only difference is you are playing
with a puck, see that point.Various species use different strategies to hunt, survive, and evade
predators. It could be in politics, sports, a board game at home, or even a
business. You have to realize that sometimes strategic thinking has to do with competition, and
sometimes it has to do with uniting a group in a cause to get the
synergy needed to make it happen - team building, and more often than not both
of these components weigh heavily in the strategy Nike Requin room or corporate board room.Indeed, it seems
that everybody wishes to talk about strategy all the time, as if they have a
plan to move the ball down the field faster against an opponent, the bureaucracy, the
rules and regulations, or a competitor. If someone were to look at this from a
philosophical standpoint he or she would readily see, that in the end it's all the
same.Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the
Online Think Tank. In competitive games such as sports, or cards the goal is obviously
also to win, and yet in doing so strategy often involves deception, thus, what happened
to ethics?Sun Tzu, Karl von Clausewitz, or even Colonel Boyd would agree that deception is
a tactical strategy that can work quite well. What does a think tank really do?
Well, for a think tank which operates on the Internet, sort of an online style
think tank, we talk a lot about strategy - how to plan properly to prevent
potential future calamities in our civilization and society. Yes, there is the Geneva Convention, but
is war really ethical, seems like an oxymoron. There is a military strategy, corporate strategy,
political strategy, negotiation strategy, dating strategies, and even diplomacy strategies.At some point you have to
ask yourself is strategy really a manipulation of a system to get more for doing
less? And in doing so how much is actually ethical? In reality, often there is
no or little ethics in military strategy, the goal is to win and by all
necessary means. Lance Winslow believes that this article was sponsored by; flat rate conference call
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